Ep 45. ✨🪄👗 For the Fae 👗🪄✨ - or - 🗣⚔️💔 Quiet Carolina’s Quantum Cuts 🗣⚔️💔Careful with the quiet ones.
Speak with the sky.
And with them….
It just might speak back. (or flash them)
What it tells them…. is that for Fairy Gowns…..
Fathers. Friends & Familiars.
Fact is…..
We need each other.
Men especially.
Vulnerability. Is one superpower no one will ever call lame.
And one in which Women lead the way.
Women as you may have noticed on the show, are farther along in intuitive understanding of the subject matter than men.
Finding fairies. Is a lot like finding each other.
We have to meet in the middle.
It starts, and ends in the heart.
Unlike fairies, we don't always know each other's hearts, which is where our words come in.
Tell someone how you really feel.
Listen when someone tells you how they really feel.
And always speak to the sky
When you are listening to Fascinating Fae
Ep 44. 👃🧠 Mind Melting, Mind-Melding, Mitzy 👃🧠 - or - 🍍🍌🍊 Grimble Grumble Goes Groceries 🍍🍌🍊
Hey there Hannah…..
How's that for electric feel?
Slither me stumped.
I wish I could make this shit up.
Excuse me miss… in what aisle do they keep the beef jerky people?
Right next to the garden gnome glad garbage bags. Got it!
I was running low on gravity.
Mitzy…mind you… has more than Mighty mouse.
That's why Tupperware tries to touch her temple.
Washington state. Weird as ever. …. …. whoa….
A garden gnome in seven motions;
Grandstanding in the grocery store ⚾️
Withering Wi-Fi 🤦♀️
Abolishing audio 🎧💀
And Quantum cards 🎴 🪄
I forgot
P P P P Plastering Power 🌩⚡️⚡️👏💀
It is brave to listen. It is brave to come on. It is brave to think about the show.
Be brave.
Be Brain blown.
Be a buddy. Or a bird.
Especially to a fellow experiencer……
We need each other (a flashlight)
And air freshener……
When you are listening to Fascinating Fae
Ep 43. 🦝💀🌪🪄- Skull Synchronicity Storm - 📖 or 📖 - Bashful Brett’s Beautiful Book. Back. - 💀🌪🪄🦝
What is a Fascinating Face introduction without voices?
Even though I produce and distribute these episodes for free.
Please be clear. I am the one receiving gifts every week.
From having a great voice ↖️ to voicing truth ↙️ or just literally…. hearing your voice 🎧
There is a quiet emotions inside all of us that was to be heard.
There are also vo1ces 2 rock around 2
The way that Mr. Mayonnaise sounds when she finds a perfectly placed Prize for her own pack.
Positively Powers 2 podcasts.
Consider the workflow.
Fairies know your heart.
British Garden Gnomes are fairies.
Gnomes give great gifts.
I have fallen in love with this podcast, the people, stories and impact of it. You could say I'm fascinated…. So I get…. incredible voices. Invisible string….. And a self driving podcast. Groundbreaking. It's no surprise given a garden gnomes love of digging in the dirt….
Brett is obviously an intermediary between our reality and the reality of the other side. She was fascinated before I was. She's first on a lot of things. Gotta love the trailblazer. They make what is extremely difficult look easy. She really likes this show for real. That's why she donated her books. That's why she got payment in full before we talk about those books…..
Wow on the trail. Keep on your path.
Becky needed a Little bit of a nudge in her knowing. Hopefully you understand why you are a “bit obsessed with your podcast” now. You are part of it. Before either of us knew it. A Gnome did. Getting a gift confirming that you are very much… just like Brett. It comes…. In craniums. (And Lego dinosaurs.)
I was always planning on commission something from Becky.
She would have no idea about that before I spoke to her.
Should I be careful what I think about? Should we all…………..?
In episode 22 Danielle demonstrated the power of a three dimensional representation. By the time we got to Petunia. The word powerful became perplexing in itself.
The number of the specimen that Rebecca made……..#122.
“I”. 156 - I am Fae,
“I” 122 - I also got somebody to Channel me into existence
“I put them back in there Jim..… “
Emma uses those tarot cards every day. You can say that she loves them. Do you think she will ever get rid of that deck? Fairies know your heart. They also give great gifts.
William was on the fence. Do you think he is wondering that now?
What's that worth?
All the while…. the nonhuman listeners have been here.
Watching. Waiting. Whispering…….(Right Claire?)
Does any of this ring a bell? Gem gets it. She got it going.
Good job.
Getting fairies better known by the humans. Even if you don't know what for…..
From perfectly placed pumpkin seeds. To a close cranium creep up. I guess we are all stumped………….. (and so I stop calling out Adam…..)
When you are listening to a Fascinating Fae
Ep 42. 🦝💀 Coon Cranium Confirmation🦝💀= 🤹🎁🎄🦝💀.🐱💀.🦅🦶.. Grimble Grumble Gives Great Gifts - Because🤨? - Brett’s Books .. 📖📖!
Or 🔥🐰🍝💫 .. Barbeque Bunny, Sauce Slip - Possibly Perfect Prize Pack Portal Edition. .. 🎁🎧🙌🙂✨
Who knew that Gnomes Give Great Gifts?
Did Grimble Grumble go back in time to Give 2 Ghoulish Girls & 1 Baffled Boy Goosebumps?
By Communicating With Cat Craniums?
To Connect them? 🤝
Clearly. 👋👓
Confusingly Clearly. 😐👓
Can you catch the current? 🏄🌊👋🤹
Click. click. click. Boom! 🧠🧠🧠🤯
Brett decided to give away some of her books to help promote this podcast. 📚💥🎧
She will not let me pay her for them. 💰🚭
Grimble Grumble has gone from grinding my brain into gristle. 🍔
To grandstanding by paying my debts. 🦝💀
All in all. Not a bad trade.
It would appear. That if you have courage and heart. Level two of Ready Player One….. it's just around the corner. I mean… tree stump (and so I stop calling out Adam….)
Kind of funny…. a guy without a face giving skulls at Christmas presents. (Ezra)
It was not an easy to look at him, or meet him.
But I did. With a wincing pain. Look where it got me. Story of my life…
Petunia is no slouch either. She's actually been here all along.
Brett knew it before I did. She is her own fascinating friend to me. For sure.
My guess…. Grimble Grumble & Guin Aggneath are Grimm-Giggling-Grinning in a Garden-Grove over a Grolsch.
Gosh…… oh my gosh….. Oh my gosh! Jim…….. These Guys 🤯🧚♀️
Things get saucy and slippery… somewhere in section two.
Remember to bring your bandana.
That stuff gets everywhere.
Even in your hair. Or does it?
When you are listening to Fascinating Fae
Ep 41. 🐝Becky Bee🐝. + ✨Menagerie of Magic✨ = 🤯💀🤹🪦 a.k.a. Grimble Grumble’s Grave.
There is always something in the air at Fascinating Fae…. And yes…. I do mean the smoke from my Hobbit pipe.
Jokes… advocacy… and self-awareness aside…
There is an emerging undeniable impact of becoming a listener of this program. Where ever you are…. Literally.
Obviously there's also an impact… making it…. I am just a person at the end of the day.
And a very real way…… is the only way….. The Fae….. Know how to play.
Buckle in.
Let's follow the latest math.
Becky Bee. + Menagerie of Magic. +👂🎧 FF + 🧚♀️PTP & TPPPP + GG🤹= 🤯💀🤹🪦 a.k.a. Grimble Grumble’s Grave
As I said before. This Garden gnome …. gets around
Mathematics…. meet Muse.
Time. Ha ha ha
Space. Ha ha ha
Audio. Ba ha ha Ha!
Lego dinosaurs. Boop
Fabric for my hat. Wow. Bang pow!
Brain. Blown.
Therefore. My hypothesis has grown deeper.
In the book ready player one…. The first impossible level…. it's only beat by going backwards. Something no one does. Until somebody who doesn't belong…. does.
I created a podcast with a principal objective to not convince anybody of anything.
The contrarian fairy as it were.
Can't resist that invitation.
Fascinating Fae is evolving.
It will always remain the same for me. I am just a guy that saw a fairy one time….. Who became fascinated……
What has changed. Is all of you. Human and nonhuman listeners alike. Thank you everybody. I cannot express my amazement, appreciation, and renewed commitment enough.
Fans, friends, and family members. Finding each other.
The power of each of you listening.
The power of each of you you sharing…..!
Fundamentally impacts each of our collective understanding and belief.
Like a scene in a science-fiction movie. It also seems to be delivering an increase in power to the other side.
Moving it from our isolated selves, silent silos, speculating solo…
Into a…. synergy soup…… err, synchronicity storm……… UMMM….. Slippery slope….
Passed the veil.
This is the power of story sharing….
When you are listening to Fascinating Fae!
If you would like to join this Orchestra.
Bring your story, or your curiosity and your honesty. But never forget your heart and (With special thanks to my super fan Hannah ❤️) email me encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 40. 😊💀 Charming & Chilling 💀😊 – 🧭👤 Uncharted Chandran. 🧭👤
Frozen Wolf frees up fascinating memories, from fearful, to fond…. Charging Chandran, to come forward.
Illinois shows it's incredible side. As we channel childhood memories with our guest tonight on Fascinating Fae
Orbital orbs orbiting.
Shadowy shadow people seen.
Grimm Reaper getting…… a grab.
Mysterious music once again.
This episode has it all.
Is it possible that with enough testimony a spreadsheet of sorts can be created, changing the uncharted, into confirmation.
There are at the very least 2 Uber fairy nerds that Think so. Thanks for making me feel not so alone my friend.
Childhood memories are not child's play.
Spreadsheets are Home for speculation
And a pointy hat, points the way
When you are listening to Fascinating Fae.
If you have a childhood memory encounter and would like to be on the show, shoot me an email. Encounters@FascinatingFae.com
Ép 39. 🎶🍄💃🍄🎶 Drake. (Part Dëux) 🎶🍄💃🍄🎶
Ép 39. 🍄 Drake (Part Dëux) 🍄
What kind of room has no walls?
Where does wondering, wind up?
Is it easier when it is wild…..For the weird…. To Wander in?
What we don't know. Wants to know us.
What we know about ourselves. Wants to win.
All the while….When trying to find yourself, don't forget to lose yourself to dance from time to time.
Especially if you're invited….. Back!
Speaking of invitations. Does….Just leaving your door open. Open the door?
&… When is a man… not a man? Ribbit Ribbit
When is a honking car… not a honking car? beep beep.
When is a fire alarm…. not a fire alarm? Warning warning.
Petunia chimes in. Hoot… hoot. So….. when is an owl not an owl?
Fascination gets funky fast.
When you're listening to Fascinating Fae
If you have heard the fairies play music and you would like to be on the show, drop me a line encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 38. ✨🍄🍄🍄✨ Did Drake Die 💀? Do Drawings Draw Deities 🖼 ? - or - Mysterious Man, 🐸 👨 Magical Music 🎤, Melodic Mycelium 🎵, Mystical Mycology ✨🍄🍄🍄✨ (P1)
How many fairies can one podcast host?
Or maybe how many podcast episodes can one mystical Garden Gnome hijack.
Maybe if I took a Mighty mouse mouth full of mushrooms. meaning would meld marvelously…
Colorado is cool.
Drake is darling.
Kittens are kittens
Gnomes just don't know when to quit.
And frogs are people…….. When you are tuned in and listening (human or non-human as you come) to….
Fascinating Fae
Ep 37. 🌸🌸🌸 (Petunia), My Powerful Purple Pixie + Dumbfounded by Danielle = Fascinating Fae & a Possibly Perfect Prize Pack VS (Grimble Grumble in the Gears Edition) + 🤹🤹 GNooooooooo...... (Me) 🤯
A reminder.
I'm just a guy who saw a fairy one time.
Be it morning or night… I am blending my brain to bring you this.
Here is a bite of that for you to bother with.
...but before you do...
Be a Buddy, boop a few buttons, and be part of this.
When was the last time you checked your fire alarm batteries? (Watch out for pixies in the particle detectors.)
Or picked purple petunias… peacefully pondering perplexity? (Watch out for gnomes getting grabby in the grass. They have a Great grips.)
Gnomes are no joke. This guy….GG…… Guillotines this up real good.
Get this.… Gnomes get jealous!
After greeting me in the morning, grandstaff in his hand....
He gears up, gliding gleefully across the globe, to get somebody to grant him form as well….
Even if it is a bit… grave.
You will just have to see it to Bee-lieve it.
This guy. He just he will not… Lego. Dino what I mean?
Hopefully this grifter retires Down under. For the moment, my advice to his maker. Lock him Up!
Get over your grinning, face(less), glory.
I don't even know any more.
✨✨ There are Prizes….. And then there are Powerful Prizes. ✨✨
A Doll from Danielle definitely, undeniably deals out deluges of dizzy, dazzling, demonstration's… Dumbfounded again. …. Definitely….. :-(
Well played my friend. My don't mess with Danielle daily reminder… runs deep.
To win a deity doppelgänger by Danielle…. May disqualify your insurance. Transport you and your pets to the fairy realm.
Or make you…maybe need to change your shorts 💩👖💩
Additionally it will require you to consider placement of all of your objects from a new perspective…… you know… because they are most likely just going to move on their own…. and shit. 💩🤯💩
Petunia, my Powerful Purple Pixie. Pleased to meet you!
Thank you for starting the show. By showing yourself to me. A lot of people really appreciate it.
Nobody….. More than me 🌸 ❤️ 🌸 ❤️ 🌸
Fucking Fabulous.
I want somebody to win, and wonder with us. Will you be willing?
Danielle did ask & you wandered in….. Not all who wander are lost. 🪄
How to win for free!
Spotify application on a phone. Put your amazing comment on any episode to be entered. Each comment. Is one entry! October 31 midnight we draw.
(Please also note…. Give a show a star rating anywhere you can access spotify. Unfortunately it does not show your name. But it feels good for me, and helps the show be discovered by new listeners. Thank you)
Apple podcasts. Give a show a star rating. Place a comment on the show as a whole. This also put you in the draw.
Don't wanna do it that way? Email me your nice review, a paragraph min…. Mooooore is better.
I aggregate all of these reviews on the website. Come. October 31 if you are on the review section of my website you are entered in the drawing.
I'm going to ask a particular birthday girl if she will hold the cards, and do the draw…….
Ep 36. 🤹 +🎴= 🤯 A Beastie Beginning 2 The Quantum Cards Cliffhanger Conclusion 🤹 +🎴= 🤯
Curl up on a cushion, with a cup of confusion… clearly. The 🐱 toooooo. Miaow.
Sit, sip slowly, savour the sensation of a lightsaber swiftly slicing, your sense of reality into swaths.
The Travelocity gnome might be famous for it….
Granted…. But….Our guy Grimble Grumble….. Gets around!
The United Kingdom is infested, crawling, and thicker than a (vegan) truckstop milkshake… with fairies.
How cool is that Claire?... colour me confused and craving Clarity.
Gem… that is one grand garden gnome you've got going on thanks for getting him going
Emma…… Embarks on an immersive Emergency search…. Ending in Electrifying, Eye-popping, Enchanting, etch into your brain kind of excellent podcasting.
Still think I'm the one making the show?
“The woman from Australia” Elizabeth understands they have unlimited access….
Pick a card, any card.
Chance, chooses?
Chime in if you think it's more like… Schrodinger's 🐱…. I mean cards. They were always the cards you chose, & not at the same time.
Invisible hands moving real life objects?
Maybe it's a mirage. Most of it. Mainly. More or less.
Maybe we are meeting in the middle.
Is a fairy a time machine? Going around and around and around. Has this all happened before?
Mind blowing any way you may muddle it over.
As we say here in Canada. Pitter patter get at’er…. those Tiny Little Footsteps might be racing you up the stairs.
Speaking of racing. There's a touch of that too. . . It's pretty fly!
William was going to talk about a gnome that stacked up a few coins. So… Grimble Grumble got on the grandstand…. getting the glory.
Emma was going to talk about Little gnomes in the carpet. Grimble Grumble couldn't contemplate that now could he?
Still think it's my show?
Hey Grimble. Get over yourself. 👎
I am the main Guy. Got it? 👍
Fae my life…. Do I owe Brian an interdimensional rave with fairies on a private island? 🧚♀️
Alex you DJ. 🎤
Vicky…. official greeter. 😊 🤝 👹
Albert… Will be “tending” bar. 🍺
GG on audio / visuals ⬇️
Countdown, 1.5.6. ………... A.E.F…………✨…………..FAE!
Ep 35. 🎴Quantum Cards.🎴 Entangled Emma.🎴
Move over Danielle. Or so I thought…. Danielle dolls definitely double down… storming back later. We will get there.
Look everybody. Or…. I mean listen….
What started off as a mission to confirm with my visual look at a flying purple fairy…. Has become something entirely unexpected all together.
Starting with synchronicity's between guests I started to feel weird at times hosting the show.
After objects move in my home while I was talking with Danielle. It was like something unlocked.
A barrier bridged gets easier to cross every time….
Then came Gem, & a Garden gnome giddy to get free and explore the world was hitchhiking on her words….
My computer simply has not been the same. I actually sent screenshots to Apple support community forum. No one can explain the audio settings. I have four separate screenshots of impossible to replicate changes.
All different.
All specifically at times… making this show.
Kati. blew my brain, by bringing birds out of the bushes. After bending my belief in what in fact is a person…
Unfortunately. Unbelievably. Unexplainably. 3 separate faceless people have come directly to my open front door. One of them while recording a ready to be released episode with Drake…. At dusk.
Two of them at dawn. Dangerously. Every time.
This is also related in no small way to the woman that appeared mysteriously out of the river. Or the cave. Or the veil. Is there a difference?
Begin a fairy podcast at your own discretion and caution.
Oh my. Emma.
This is actually about her….
Emerge your mind in her energy. Listen to the astonishment as she realises what is going on while we are recording. Yes. Fairies show up for the episodes. This is what I'm telling you, everybody….
I wake up feeling Emma sounds in the introduction, while trying to make my Coffee.
Every, engrossing, existential, explosive day.
Please come on the show. Especially if you just like everybody else, you're telling the truth. Let's see what happens when we come on together.
Ep 34. Awesome Aussie. Amazing Orbs. Owls, Awestruck Us!
Do you experience the Fascinating Fae Effect?
Find yourself thinking about the episodes long after they come out.
Feeling like you learn something about a lot of different things.
Consciously & subconsciously assembling a working logic based on everyone's story.
More convinced than ever that fairies are 100% real. Which makes life better somehow…
Notice quite a bit that you were smiling while listening to episodes. Possibly feeling a little bit excited.
Wanting to talk to other people about fairies more…
Anxiously awaiting the next mind bending episode, wondering what it will be about?
Well my fellow analytical, addicted, astonished, & amped Army of Amazing Amigos!
Here is one episode that will last you all weekend.
Clocking in at just under three hours, and chock-full of everything we are all about…. you're going to hear the prior conversation as well as the show. It was all just too good.
Thank you Elizabeth. Thank you Australia.
When is a bird not a bird? When is a squirrel not a squirrel?
What is our true nature? What is natures true nature?
What is in fact, really going on?
If you could take a photograph of a different quantum plane. Would you know what you're holding in your hand?
Would you let it change how you think and feel? Or would you just reach over to your dust cloth?
Liz has sent me the first picture I have ever seen, that looks identical to what came into the wheel house that night on my boat.
I'm glad that I reached out to her. The first time I've done it, this way in fact.
I learned a lot. I had actual pain in my face muscles from smiling so much. Finally…
After we were done. My computer & the audio settings were again manipulated to direct my attention towards incredible information. No doubt. By our compadre… GG.
Something that comes directly into play during the interview / episode that comes afterwards in a way that blows my mind… a completely new bar for the fairies involved in production of a show. To say the least….. Stay tuned.
Ep 33. Bunny Bridles, Bashful Brett & Her Beautiful Book, (or) Coffee & Curls, Curiosity & Creativity, a Clean Cat Cranium Christening, The Climbing Creature Quantum Critter Cemetery Caretaker.
Ep 33. 🐱 💀+🐰🧚♀️ —- ✂️ Bunny Bridles, Bashful Brett & Her Beautiful Book, (or) Coffee & Curls, Corgis & Kittens, Curiosity & Creativity, a Clean Cat Cranium Christening, The Climbing Creature Quantum Critter Cemetery Caretaker, & Conversation Cut Short. (and) Dear, Deer Deity Dude… ✂️ —- 🐱 💀+🐰🧚♀
In Lane one. Peter Cottontail, Jockey, Frank Fairytale.
In Lane 2. A Commandeered Corgi, Captain, a Quantum Creature…
Human & nonhuman listeners, start your engines… because. We are off!
Or at least the recording software was… possibly for the most perplexing portal part of the podcast. Brett. I will just have to bring you back…
Is it possible that the fairy phenomenon being spoken about did not want everybody to know? It has literally happened before multiple times.
Feelings that you're pretty far, far-flung, from Kansas are fine. We are in Indiana after all. I am pretty sure that deer live in every single part of the continental United States however….
Do cats see fairies full-time? Is it in their biology?
Just like the cat’s ability to move silently and unseen, the cat skull implies that there are truths and realities beyond our immediate perception, waiting to be discovered and understood.
If you were born on Halloween, make incredible, very inspired, directly interfacing fae art, with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram… or otherwise want to… Place ”1 foot in the green”, and then Gather your goblins and get going….
Great! Grand emails don't send thems”elves”
Ep 32. 👁 The Person in the Plant, Playing with Perception & Peering Past the Veil. 👁
London is calling, and I live by the river. (When you get it, you'll get it)
I have always figured that the fairy-realm was for-real. Tonight we find-out for-sure!
From mind altering drugs, mushrooms, to mindfulness, meditation and more the minutes that we make with Claire, maintain a marvellous, mellow mood…
A pair of fairy podcast hosts walk into a bar, bartender says what will we want? My answer… whatever she's whispering.
Her name is Claire and she just don't care, that you are coloured confused and seeing creatures everywhere.
Actually she does.
But that has better flow for my upcoming rap album about the fairies.
Working title. WTFae
If you are Jo HH or another lurking podcast host about the fairies… that I don't know about. And you would like to be on the show. Send me a hello. 👋🤚
Ep 31. …Kati Continues… (or)... Big Bluff Charges & The Backyard Buzzzzzzz-Bomb!
Texas, take two.
… And call me in the morning….
Kati kindly, doesn't quit, quality encounters, qualified curiosity, quick and quirky. I could have kept chatting continuously.
Is there a difference between Childlike, & childish? Clearly…
If you felt a Fae, would the feeling fill you? Oh fück yes….
If a big bad Bruiser came bursting through the bush, would you blink? Yes, badly…
Creatures created, plants protected, guardians guarding gardens. This is a good one.
If you want to teach me about Texas, or any other kind of titillating truth. The email address is…. encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 30. Bird(o) Bud(o’s)s, Blistering Brilliant Lights &…🧚🏿♂️.
Texas tickles my entanglement thinking, and truthfully… teaches me a lesson… all the way here on the West Coast.
A completely comforting & confusing quantum couple of minutes preceded this conversation. It was no coincidence.
When is a bird, not a bird?
What is the sound of a fairy with wings?
Are fairies from another planet?
Are aliens from another dimension?
WTFae… f’ed if I know.
That which I do know; is that Katie is cool, creative, compassionate, clever, considerate, kind, a creature creator, and a colossal storyteller.
Which is why we get a Fascinating Fae 1st, 2 part episode.
Be there, or be square as….The Green-Gold BuzzBomb…. Brings us back to where we began next week!!
If you want to blow my mind… by all means, be on the show! encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 29. 💖 Ron, Returns. 💖
Hello everyone, let's hop in our time machine.
We speak with Ron, a gentleman in his 70s, from Nevada, U.S.A.
This episode has been released again with an AI treatment, after what was previously hard to hear audio.
Audio quality is substantially better during / after episode two.
This is a truly mind-boggling set of information. Listen carefully! 29 episodes in, how many things that Ron said have come true or been echoed?
Join us for this eye-opening, incredible, heartwarming conversation with Ron about his contact, encounters and life with the Fae!
Fairies are REAL! This is a must listen!
Ep 28. 🧚🏽🦅 - Astonished Albert & The Frightened, Fleeting, Fleeing, Flying, Fairy! -🧚🏽🦅
What if I told you there is more to the sycamore tree than meets the eye?… And that what looks like a leaf, actually lends itself to looking longer…
Be it resolved; animals can see the quantum realm full-time.
Be resolved; fairies are from a Quantum plane.
Quantum physics, you are arguing for this topic. Ignorance, you are arguing against it.
What would you do with an injured fairy? Take it to the vet? A church? Your home?
We finally talk about the power of the lights in the sky, to light up understanding about the limitless value of life.
Scotland is stunning, & Albert is awesome, in episode 28 of Fascinating Fae!
If you have witnessed a part of a tree, that is not a part of a tree, and would like to be on the show…. Shoot me an email encounters@fascinatingfae.com. Many thanks in advance!
Ep 27. -🔌&𝌡- Of Chargers & Change; a Nice, Next, Neverending, Gnome Narrative Note! -🔌& -
will.i.am, Iowa, I'm like wow...
It is absolutely clear that Gnomes will steal things, only to give them back. Here is a partial list of the justifiable reasons.
Number one. To confirm to you that they are real.
Number two. To demonstrate that they can read your thoughts and intentions.
Number three. In order to establish relationships.
Number four. To flex, by creating an extra existential crisis within their human students around what is physical, what is real, what is not, what is the nature of reality and more.
And something right out of your pocket.. Is not out of their reach.
William, Wows Us, wowsers, was I ever wide-eyed… & grandfather Gnome Grimble Grumble, grandstands greatly, in episode 27 of Fascinating Fae!
What have the fairies taken from you? please reach out: encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 26. -🍁-✨- Lovely Leaf & A Specific Sparkle -🍁-✨-
Episode 26. Lovely Leaf & A Specific Sparkle
We talk technical troubles, truth, trees, types of fairy faith & tiny sparkles, all while trying to fend off more fairy fuckery…
Leaf lays down life lessons like no other, as we LEAN on her learnings from Buddhism, to the beauty of Curiosity and back.
British Columbia is the backdrop, as we talk about where it all began, with a inexplicable sparkling light in her room as a young child.
Memories of my Conversation with Monique from episode two, make their way to new meaning, & more, in episode 26!
If you have memories of encountering fairies in your bedroom as a small child, please reach out to me! encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 25. 💻+🪄+🧙🏾♂️... A Gnome Named Grimble Grumble... 💻+🪄+🧙🏾♂️
This "Quarter Century Conversation" confuses, confirms, and clears away any lingering concerns and doubts.... And it's just me talking alone.... Or is it?
"The Gnome"
I want to tell you a story
'Bout a little man, if I can
A gnome named Grimble Grumble
And little gnomes stay in their homes
Eating, sleeping
Drinking their wine
He wore a scarlet tunic
A blue-green hood, it looked quite good
He had a big adventure
Amidst the grass, fresh air at last
Wining, dining
Biding his time
And then one day
Another way for gnomes to say
Ooh my
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn't it good?
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn't it good?
Winding, finding places to go
And then one day
Another way for gnomes to say
Ooh my
Ooh my
Ep 24. 🤳💍 …Ring. Ring. Gnome’s Home…🤳💍
Ep 24. Ring. Ring. Gnome’s Home…
We ponder some positively perplexing pumpkin seeds, placed purposely, on a tree stump in a magical United Kingdom garden… in this powerful… episode 24!
Gem is her name, and no one else is the same, tonight we discover the hidden gems in the substantial amount of research that she has done; documenting fairies of all types, coming out of the 200 year old Rock wall…. right along a perplexing, ancient pathway, that is her present day backyard.
Blink and you will miss them. Fairies move so flipping fast, fluctuating between their two dimensional selves and our reality.
If you have experience a object mysteriously return to you, in your home, after a very long time… and you would like to be on the show….. You know what to do!
Ep 23. 🍪+🐈 "Cookies & Cats” : My Troll's Tastes 🍪+🐈
Tonight we travel to Texas to talk Mexican Mayhem with young mother Vickie. Join us as she recalls a long history of interactions with the family around her home. Her Fae family…
Beginning at age 8, the Gnome who dresses in all white, as well as his friends… starting to come out of the walls!
That is when objects just started moving around the home, for no reason, in front of multiple family members…
Did you know that gnomes can change size to match the person they are revealing themselves to?
When it is time to talk about the Troll, the tech gets troubled, thanks to his touch… transforming the recording into a timeless record… tracking troll tactics.
Tune in to this totally tantalising episode 23 of Fascinating Fae!
Ep 22. Dumbfounded by Danielle…….!
Honestly. I personally had to listen to this episode more than once, just to remind myself of how crazy it actually was.
I don't know about Idaho. The FAE are from there for sure. For sure. I do know that much now.
My powerful guest(s) blows my mind by channelling multiple entities directly into consciousness and ability through her work as a medium, working in a medium of clay, clothing, configurations and creativity.
I say my guests plural. Because during this interview it is absolutely undeniable that something visits my house. Maybe even two somethings….
We talk about Sasquatch, and I describe the time that I saw one. Things get weirder than Alien pancakes…..(Shout out to strange familiars)
California is a big part of tonight episode. Finally we finish in the Golden State, with an incredible description of interactions with bears, and more… in this mind boggling episode number 22 of Fascinating Fae!
If fairies move objects inside your home?… And because of this, you would like to be on the show shoot me a email!
Ep 21. My Powerful Purple Pixie!
I finally tell my story. . . From start to finish.
To be Fairy Whisperer herself!
CLAIRE thank you for the opportunity!
I have given a special treatment to my first ever Pod-swap. With a personal message from me to you the listener.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ep 20. Trying, Turbulent, Terrifying, Transformational: Texas.
Did you know that Banshees cry neon tears?
Tune in… As we mess with Texas!
Lapis leads us on a journey of self discovery that includes spirit frogs, family banshees, fairy rings, Pan and the power of muses in a detailed discussion… We are lucky to receive.
Because…Our guest tonight is also lucky to be alive after surviving a direct encounter with a Dog-Man intent on gaining entry into his home. Is this a werewolf? Was this a type of dark fairy?
The fairies rise to the occasion and install a protective ring around the place where artwork supplies are kept.
Is it possible that the creation of artwork is a way of transporting yourself past the veil? Where does inspiration actually come from… and what is the role of the fairy muse?
In my own encounter artwork in several forms was a heavily influencing factor.
If you can connect with the other side through artwork or other methods drop me a line, encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 19. 💫 Cross Country, Fairy Forum 💫
Did you know? Fairies utilize mechanical Magic Carpets, powered by magnetics, to move them selves long distances.
Episode 19, is full of plenty. We receive knowledge directly from a fairy quorum, held every week, by tonight’s remarkable guests Bonnie and Theresse.
We travel the veil once again, this time returning with insights into the religious practices of fairies, and feelings on the separation between us and them.
More than one person has described that fairies can travel through walls. More than one person has told me they live in harmony with fairies.
This episode will leave you with your heart open … and mind blown!
If you can directly speak with people beyond the veil, please reach out: encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 18. Alera & The Elf
Tonight we keep things in Canada, & travel Beyond the veil…to the mystical realm of the Fae, for a conversation with an Elf first hand!
In many of them the encounters that I have featured, psychic communication is somewhat brief. Join us as we learn what sustained communication, conversation, and friendship with an Elf looks like… in this mind opening conversation!
This episode is part of a doubleheader. Structured as a dovetail perfectly… with episode 19!
Special thanks to my guest for waiting as I took several months to put this episode out.
If you can talk directly to a fairy. Let me know! Encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Ep 17. 🟢 Green, Glowing, Good… & then… GONE!
Tonight… We join Rebecca from Ontario, Canada, to discuss a remarkable orb in the corner of her bedroom, late one evening in 2021. This is another shared encounter!
“They are here. They are here. They are here….” Have you heard something in your head, you couldn’t understand at the time?
My interview with Rebecca reminds me a lot of my conversation with Monique in episode 2. It would appear that fairies have no problem coming into your home, to fill it with love and light!
They also seem to impart an emotional footprint of sorts. Making it impossible to forget them.
If you have had an unexplainable entity immerse your room in light… and would like to be on the show, shoot me a email!
Episode 16. Frozen Wolf & The Fae
Tonight’s conversation takes us to Canada, where we join Frozen Wolf as she recalls a years long inhabitation of her home by a friendly, often mischievous house elf!
We also talk about a very small man with incredible Blue eyes, comforting her during a particular intense storm as a child.
But we begin the conversation talking about an amazing origin… where all of this started… when “Dark, Full size Fae”’ try over and over again to steal her from her childhood home, and replace her with a changeling!
If creatures have emerged from a green fog in your bedroom as a child, and you would like to be on the show, encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Episode 15. 🔥 A Hint of Hellfire 🔥
G takes us on a journey to Ireland in the early 2020’s.
His mission to the Hellfire Club, cursed before it even began… makes it so that he’s met by a mysterious man as he makes his way through the woods…
Later. A creature made of marble tries to… well, I won’t spoil it for you…
Several very interesting questions come to my mind as I think about this conversation.
Is this a fairy? Can fairies be evil? What is the line between other realms and what in fact….? Is around us all the time?
Here on the show. We don’t know. But we love hearing about it!
If you want to blow my mind, and the listeners as well. Tell me a story. Encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Episode 14. Fairy Findr
A Michigan Moth Has Meaning beyond its initial appearance!
Fairies will often put a person through a test before revealing themselves
We join the Fairy Findr, Alex and talk about butterflies, fairy gardens, Walt Disney, and much, much, more!
If you had an encounter and would like to be on the show please reach out!
Ep 13. My Kentucky Kin Kidnapping...
Lost time. Praying Mantis. Crystal spacecraft. The activation of fairy DNA. Screen memories. Veil implants and more! Hang on to your headphones!
Kentucky is as confusing as ever, as we contemplate this captivating conversation with Wren, regarding his Fairy abduction from the home of the Kentucky Hilltoppers.
Born with a cleft palette, and an ancestral link to his Fairy Kin, Wren has an amazing story to share.
We also delve into some VERY strange lights hugging the trees in his backyard.
It’s time to tune in and be tantalized by Episode 13 of.... Fascinating Fae!
If you have been abducted by fairies, please reach out. Encounters@FascinatingFae.com
Fascinating Fae - Ep 12. "Remember the Rose!"
Misty, is clear.
So is her memory. She didn't have a choice.
Faries manifest in a multitude of incredible ways.
They are deeply associated with Thorny Plants, and in this 12th episode, something very out of step with the 12 seasons happens....
Both in her story.... And while we are talking! There's more to Misty than meets the.... ear!
If you can manipulate nature and would like to be on the show. Reach out encounters@fascinatingfae.com
Fascinating Fae - Ep 11. Tenny's Tiniest Touch 👈🏽🪨
In this incredible 11th episode of Fascinating Fae we talk to Tinúviel about 3 powerful fairy experiences in her life.
Did somebody say pillow talk?
Ever heard of a "Hag Stone"?
It is often said that seeing is believing, but that to touch, is to know the truth.
The Orbs are back!
You don't want to miss this one!
More proof of the existence of fairies is emerging every day.
If you would like to be on the show, to share your encounters please reach out!
Fascinating Fae - Ep 10. Quantum Kentucky.
Leeks don't plant themselves! Right?
That's not the only confusing, conundrum in Kentucky.
We join Susan, a trained researcher and librarian, on her farm in Kentucky, to discuss her sighting.... one fatefull evening…. after the power went out.
We talk Hedge Witchery, Fairy Rings, Fairy Gardens, and more!
If something unexplainable is happening on your farm... please reach out! Encounters@FascinatingFae.com
Fascinating Fae - Ep 9. Aaron's, Okie Pinokie Oddities.
Telecommunication, Multiple Entities, Inexplicable Shadows, Cloaking... and... a leaf moving against the wind?
This encounter has it all. Indiana doesn't disappoint, and neither does Aaron.
One of the biggest surprises in making this show, is that a large number of people, have another witness to their experience of the Fae.
Aaron not only experienced his encounter with his female companion, she was receiving telepathic downloads.
In particular about something blocking the door to the fairies home.....!
The Midwest shows it magical side, in this episode of Fascinating Fae.
Fascinating Fae - Ep 8. The Perplexing Pear.
Brian is the second fire fighter, (Literally back to back, in a row!) that I have the privilege of speaking with for this podcast.
Does Brian confirm William? I will just say this. The fairies lined them up, for a reason.
We travel to Oregon, just weeks ago, in late 2023 to hear a remarkable description of a Perplexing Pear. Lifesaver, & trained observer Brian, now also ads his bravery to this conversation.
Thank you, Sir.
If you want to respect & honour your first responders, listen to them.
If you are a first responder, that has seen a fairy, or other extremely difficult to describe things, on or off the job, please reach out! Encounters@FascinatingFae.com
Fascinating Fae - Ep 7. Linda's Not Lying!
Did you know? Interdimensional fairies feed off of energy sources including, but not limited to: Electronics nearby, Love & happiness, All living things, & Highly refined sugar sources.
The remarkable similarities between Linda's encounter, at the end of an epic coastal summer's drive, with her husband beside her, was unexpected & goes down almost to the detail, with my own. Including the exact same day & year!!
If a fairy sees fit, they will erase any evidence of themselves captured electronically. They can create unexplainable glitches in technology of all types.
I have experienced it MANY times first hand, putting this podcast out, so have my guests. Especially on interview day!
Is this confirmation? Or interference? Is it Faries... or is it an opposing force, unhappy with the truth of fairies getting free?
If you have captured a fairy on camera. Let's chat! Encounters@FascinatingFae.com
Fascinating Fae - Ep 6. Nocturnal New Zealand
Ezra's moonlit make out, with his teenage girlfriend on a New Zealand beach in 2005, attracts an astonishing, unbelievable, shape shifting inter-dimensional Fae.
Fairies are VERY curious about humans. Especially when they know we are in our happiest moments. Join us as we hear this incredibly detail rich account of what that can look like!
Ezra, joins a growing list of witnesses, who was not the only one to see and experience their Fairy encounter.
The Fae are here, and they are not what you think! If you have also seen a fairy with no facial features. Please reach out!
Fascinating Fae - Ep 5. The Firefighter & The Fairy
Montana is the backdrop for this magical, mind-bending moment between William, the Wilderness fire fighter & a highly unusual butterfly.
This sober, articulate, educated & experienced professional eye witness provides us with one of the most detail rich, incredible stories of a fairy encounter to date.
This took place recently & is an encounter you do not want to miss!
If you have also seen a fairy while working in the woods. Please reach out!
Fascinating Fae - Ep4. Argentinian Amazment.
"Florencia saw it first. She said to me, what is that? It looks like a fairy!"
"It was very intense Venta black & landed on my chest. I cannot stop.... thinking about. The thing. It was so thin...."
We speak with Matias "Matty" from Argentina who has been carrying a shared fairy encounter with him, for close to five years, with no one to talk to about it.
The incredible effort Matty put forward to bring the story to us, is testament to the lasting impression this event had on him.
If a fairy has also landed on your chest! Please reach out.
Fascinating Fae - Ep 3. Cottingley Fairies Confirmed: Real.
Cottingley Fairies are from Cottingley, & so is our guest Eileen.
More than 20 years after the famous photographs were taken, and over 60 years ago today, 8 year old Eileen encounters fairies in "The Beck". Cottingley's ancient creek, flowing through the woods next to her childhood home; Cottingley Estates.
Many fairy encounters, including my own, are extremely brief in their way. It can be difficult to get people to talk about what they have seen. Even though they are willing to come forward. You might want to listen to Eileen twice. Especially towards the end.
If a fairy has also allowed you to have a glimpse of it. Please reach out.
Fascinating Fae - Ep 2. New York Nostalgia.
Join us as we speak with Monique about her emotional, unforgettable, difficult to describe encounter with a fairy in the inner city of New York, almost 50 years ago.
More proof that the Fae exist, is coming out daily. This conversation serves as a reminder of many important things, and begins to voice a potential explanation.
If you have seen a fairy as a child, please reach out.
Fascinating Fae - Ep 1. Contact.
Join us as we we talk with Ron from Nevada, about his contact with the Fae. This eye-opening, first episode, is a must listen!
Listen to our latest episode.
Fascinating Fae: Ep. 0 “Teaser”
A sneak peek at the introduction to Fascinating Fae!
Nothing but intro.